Mother's Day is a day where we all come together to celebrate our moms and the love they have given us throughout the years. Mother's Day is a special for the Chinese people. In China, Mother's Day is known as "Mǔqīn jié 母亲节", which means "Mothers' Day". The day was first celebrated in 1919 by a group of women who wanted to honor their mothers and other women who they thought deserved recognition. It falls on the 4th Sunday of the second month of the lunar calendar, or the second Sunday of May in the Gregorian calendar.
How Mother's day is celebrated in China?
To understand Mother’s Day in China, you have to start with filial piety, the ancient Chinese practice of honoring elders and caring for parents.
On Mothers' Day, Chinese people celebrate their mothers by visiting them at home, giving gifts and offering help; going out for dinner and having fun; preparing a specially made piayu (a type of food) that symbolizes good luck, wealth, and longevity; writing poems or songs to honor mothers and other elders.
Other activities take place during this holiday such as offering food to monks and going out for a walk together as a family.
The Role of a Mother in China
In Chinese culture, the role of a mother is to take care of the family and ensure that her children are educated. Mothers are also responsible for teaching their children morals and manners. The role of a mother is very important in Chinese society because it allows the child to grow up with their family instead of being raised by strangers or in an orphanage.
How to Greet Your Mother in Chinese on Mother's Day
Chinese culture is full of traditions and superstitions. If you're planning to visit China, or you have close Chinese friends, it's important to know that they have a specific way of greeting their mothers on Mother’s Day.
To be polite and respectful in Chinese culture, you should always use the formal form when addressing your elders. For example: "Nǐn hǎo您好 (formal)" for "hello" or "Zěnme chēnghu nín怎么称呼您 (formal)?" for "what is your name?" When greeting someone else's parents, it's even more important! In this case, it's best not to use any honorifics at all; instead address them directly by their names: "Bómǔ 伯母(maternal grandmother), Bófù 伯父 (paternal grandfather)". If you want to learn more about the Chinese language visit our website Mandarininn.
Final Thoughts
China is a country with a rich culture and history. Mother's Day is celebrated there just as it is in other parts of the world.
Mother's Day is celebrated in many different ways such as giving flowers or presents, taking mothers out for dinner or lunch, writing cards and letters, going out together as a family, and visiting their parents' graves if they have passed away.
In Chinese culture, children are expected to respect their parents at all times so, they need to show appreciation towards them on this special day too!