Lili老师是Mandarin Inn 的优秀汉语教师,她十分热爱对外汉语的教学工作,她认为,对外汉语教学能够传播汉语言文化,也能够帮助我们与世界相连接。
在本期访谈中,她和我们分享了自己的教学经验、教学技巧与教学心得,让我们一起听听Lili 老师的分享吧!

I started my internship in an international company before graduating from Shanghai Maritime University, responsible for the safe operation of container ships, after a few years, I started my study on public relationships at Fudan University and later I joined Maersk Line as a marine HR officer. I know shipping is not the end of my career and I always had a dream to be a teacher when I was a child, I taught foreigners when I was in university, and I have my international Chinese teachers certificate, so I left Maersk and become a Mandarin teacher.
2.最初你一直是在Mandarin Inn上线下课程的,现在这几年你持续在异地给我们的学生提供线上课程。可以谈谈你对这2种上课模式的切身看法吗?
I really enjoyed offline classes as we can communicate face to face, and the school environment is awesome. sometimes my students brought desserts to share with me and there was always laughter in my classes. after the pandemic, we started online courses, it is more flexible and time-saving, I can teach in different places, and a different view is also part of the course.
时差对我来说不是问题,我很喜欢早起工作, 也能合理地安排我的时间。
The time difference is not a problem for me. normally I like to work early in the morning, and I'm good at time management.

Most people skip classes because of work, they would submit leave applications before class, if someone is always late, I would remind him/her.
I explain the history and characteristics of the Chinese language to beginners before teaching them to speak, leading them to think in the Chinese way and rebuild what they want to say in the Chinese way.
记忆最深刻的一次是我的学生Julia有一天拄着拐杖来上课了。她骑自行车的时候摔断了腿。她是个如此有正能量的人, 从她身上我学到了很多。
I still remember that one day Julia came to class with crutches, she broke her leg when she was riding a bicycle on the hills. I've got so much positive energy from her, she left China and we still talk sometimes.

我的兴趣是旅行、徒步,打网球、弹古琴、品茶 。很多学生对在中国旅行和中国文化有浓厚的兴趣,我可以回答他们很多关于中文和文化的问题。
I like traveling, hiking, playing tennis, playing gu qin, and tea-tasting. Many students are very interested in Chinese culture, they are always welcome to ask me questions.
8. 作为一名对外汉语教师,你是怎么看待这个职业的未来发展呢?
这个职业是我目前最喜欢的职业。能够传播汉语言文化我觉得很有意义,我也从不同学生那里学到了很多。虽然每天在家上网课, 但每天我都跟世界有连接。
This is my favorite job so far, I can teach my mother tongue to people from around the world, meanwhile, I learned a lot from all my students. Even though I work from home but I have a connection with the world every day.
9.作为Mandarin Inn的老师,你最喜欢这里哪一点?或者你觉得这个学校跟别的学校有什么区别?给校长提点建议吧~
I think mandarin inn is one of the leading Mandarin schools in China and the school environment is stunning! besides, there are always interesting workshops during the weekend.
学习另一种语言不仅是学会用另一种文字去表达一个意思, 而是用另一种思维方式去思考事情。
Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning another way to think about things.