2024年09月16日 20:30 上海
在本期特别的学生专访中,我们为大家介绍一对来自巴西的夫妇,Ana Elisa 和 Helder。Helder 因工作调动来到上海,Ana Elisa 随他一起踏上了学习中文的旅程。他们在Mandarin Inn学习中文,两人对语言学习的热情和坚持令人鼓舞。即使日程紧张,他们总能抽出时间来练习和进步,展现了夫妻间互相支持的力量。让我们一起来听听他们的学习经历吧!
In this special edition of our student spotlight, we introduce a wonderful couple from Brazil, Ana Elisa and Helder. Both came to Shanghai when Helder was transferred here for work, and together, they embarked on a journey to learn Mandarin at Mandarin Inn. Their enthusiasm and dedication to learning are truly inspiring. Despite their busy schedules, they always find time to practice and improve, showing how couples can support each other in mastering a new language. Let’s hear more about their experience!
M: 你好!请先做一下自我介绍吧。
M: Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?
(Ana Elisa Carvalho e Silva, 30-year-old Brazilian engineer, hereafter referred to as A; Helder Monteiro Leite, 36-year-old Brazilian engineer, hereafter referred to as H.)
A&H: 我们从 2023 年 6 月开始在中国生活。自从到这里后,我们决定学习中文,这样可以让日常生活更轻松,也帮助我们更好地适应这个国家。我们目前开始学习 HSK 4,每天都会学习一点,巩固我们一起学到的知识。我们的进步比预期的还快,这也激励我们继续前进!
A&H: We've been living in China since June 2023. Since we arrived, we decided to learn the language to make our daily lives easier and to help us adapt to the country. We're currently starting HSK 4. We study a little every day to memorize what we've learned together. We've noticed quick improvement in relation to our expectations, and this has given us the energy to continue and not give up.
M: 你们为什么来到中国?
M: Why did you come to China?
A&H: Helder 因工作调动来到中国,Ana Elisa 就随他一起过来了。
A&H: Helder was transferred by his company for work, and Ana Elisa came with him.
M: 你们认为外国人学习中文有帮助吗?你们为什么想学中文呢?
M: Do you think it's helpful for foreigners to learn Chinese? And why?
A&H: 当然非常有用!它不仅帮助我们应对日常生活,对在中国找到好工作也很有帮助。
A&H: Yes, it's very useful to learn Mandarin to manage daily life in China and to find good job opportunities.
M: 你们是怎么学习中文的?有没有什么学习技巧分享?
M: How do you study Mandarin, and do you have any tips?
A&H: 来中国以后,我们一直非常开放地去学习中文,每天都会和当地人练习。在家里,我们一起学习,通过读路牌来练习。
A&H: Since we arrived in China, we've been very open to learning the language and practicing it with locals every day. We study together at home and practice by reading street signs and trying to use what we've learned.
M: 你们的老师怎么样?什么样的教学方式最适合你们?
M: How do you feel about your teacher? What kind of teaching methods work best for you?
A&H: 我们的老师非常好。她让我们以自己的节奏学习,不打断我们的思考过程。这种方式让我们记忆得更牢固,也不会感到急躁。
A&H: Our teacher is great. She allows us to learn calmly and carefully. She doesn't interrupt our thought process when we're reading or processing information, which is extremely helpful. This approach allows us to actually memorize what we're learning without interruption.
M: 你们很少请假,是什么动力让你们一直坚持上课呢?
M: You rarely ask for leave. What motivates you to keep attending classes?
A&H: 中文对我们来说是优先事项,因为我们真的对它感兴趣。一旦把它当作优先事项,就会很容易抽出时间来学习。
A&H: We've made learning Mandarin a priority because we're genuinely interested in it. When you prioritize something, nothing can really stop you from studying.
(Ana Elisa and Helder taking Chinese classes at Mandarin Inn)
M: 你参加过学校举办的工作坊吗?对这些活动有什么想法吗?有没有你感兴趣的主题?
M: Have you attended any of the workshops organized by the school? What are your thoughts on them? Do you have any suggestions or topics you're interested in?
A&H: 很遗憾,因为我们太忙了,还没有机会参加。
A&H: Unfortunately, we've never attended because we've been too busy.
M: 在你学习中文的过程中,有没有什么有趣的事情或遇到的困难?
M: Have you encountered any interesting experiences or challenges during your Mandarin study?
A&H: 学习中文既有挑战,也很有趣!有时候,中文的发音相似,我们说错了话,结果当地人听不懂,常常让我们笑个不停。
A&H: Learning Mandarin as foreigners is always a challenge, and sometimes it's funny too. The similar phonetics of certain words often make us laugh when native speakers don't understand us correctly.
M: 最后,请告诉我们你最喜欢的中文句子是什么?为什么呢?
M: Finally, please share your favorite Chinese sentence and explain why.
A&H: 不到长城非好汉 ("bù dào cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn", - He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true hero.") We really like this proverb because when we visited the Great Wall, we felt a special sensation, and this phrase truly resonates with us.
(Ana Elisa & Helder at the Great Wall)结语:
Ana Elisa 和 Helder 的共同学习之旅让人深受启发。他们积极的态度和坚持不懈的努力,展示了夫妻一起学习语言是多么有意义的经历。他们告诉我们,只要有正确的心态,就可以克服困难,并且可以体验和分享学习新语言的乐趣。我们祝愿他们在中文学习的道路上继续取得成功!
Ana Elisa and Helder's journey of learning Mandarin together is truly inspiring. Their positive attitude and dedication are a testament to how learning as a couple can be a rewarding experience. They show us that with the right mindset, challenges can be overcome, and the joy of learning a new language can be shared. We wish them continued success on their Mandarin journey!
Are you inspired by Ana Elisa and Helder's story and eager to embark on your own language learning adventure? Visit Mandarin Inn Chinese School or check our courses to learn more about our courses and start your journey towards linguistic and cultural fluency today!
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