In today's world, learning a foreign language has become an essential means for individuals to enhance their personal capabilities and broaden their international perspectives. Particularly in the field of business, mastering multiple languages can open up new opportunities for career development. This dialogue records the challenges and progress of Lee Soyoeng, a student from South Korea, in learning Chinese, as well as her insights and experiences in Chinese learning. Let's hear her story and explore the various insights along her journey of learning Chinese.

Mandarin Inn (以下简称MI):第一个问题,你最初决定学习商务中文的目的是什么?你给自己有没有设定什么学习的目标?
The first question, what was your initial purpose in learning business Chinese, and did you set any learning goals for yourself?
我是由韩国政府外派来中国,在中国推广韩国旅游的,所以我需要提高我业务方面的中文水平。希望能在开会的时候和客户说流利的中文。现在交流也有困难,但经过学习,已经比以前好很多了。I was dispatched to China by the Korean government to promote Korean tourism here, so I needed to improve my Chinese proficiency in business. I hoped to speak fluent Chinese during meetings with clients. Currently, I still face some challenges in communication, but after studying, I've improved significantly compared to before.
What specific difficulties have you encountered? Is it in understanding or speaking?
I'm not very familiar with some professional vocabulary, so sometimes I don't understand. But overall, my listening skills are okay, but speaking is a bit difficult.
I think you're already doing quite well. Perhaps you need to pay attention to the accuracy of tones. A little improvement in this area will be perfect.
That's right.

学习方法和工具:Learning Methods and Tools
What learning methods did you use in learning Chinese, and do you have any recommended learning tools? For example, have you used any apps?
李素英:学习方法,就是要多读多听。我会把自己的发音录下来,然后听自己读中文的发音,跟标准的发音去进行一个对比,不正确的地方就继续练习,去改正它。学习工具的话,我会用喜马拉雅,在上面听中文的书,我都是在晚上睡觉之前听一听喜马拉雅上标准的发音,可以帮助我更好的提高听力,而且很容易入睡(笑)。In terms of learning methods, I focus on reading and listening more. I record my pronunciation and compare it with standard pronunciation to correct any mistakes. As for learning tools, I listen to Chinese audiobooks on Ximalaya before bedtime. It helps me improve my listening skills and fall asleep easily (laughs).
Your native language is Korean. What differences do you find between Chinese and Korean?
李素英:中文语法比较简单,所以从初级到中级的学习当中,很容易进步,进步很快。但是中级以后就很难了。中级以后就是词汇的问题,特别是书面语。我需要使用对客户表示尊重的语言,有时候不清楚应该用什么词汇。Chinese grammar is relatively simple, so progress is fast from beginner to intermediate levels. But it becomes difficult after the intermediate level, especially with vocabulary and formal language. I need to use respectful language when communicating with clients, and sometimes I'm not sure which words to use.
MI:是这样的,一开始简单的沟通没有问题,但是你要开始有点说话的艺术,特别是在商务场合的情况下,就比较难了。I see. Simple communication isn't a problem at the beginning, but it becomes challenging when you need to speak more professionally, especially in business situations.
李素英:是的。是不一样的,而且中国有很多四字的成语,这个很难。Yes, that's right. It's different, and there are many four-character idioms in China, which are challenging.
语言难点和挑战:Language Difficulties and Challenges

MI:是的,但成语也是很有意思的。那么在学习中文的过程中,你还遇到过什么样的挑战吗?Indeed, idioms are interesting. So, in the process of learning Chinese, have you encountered any other challenges?
李素英:现在在工作方面,有点挑战,工作中需要常用中文,我的客户都是中国人,是中国的旅行社,比如携程和飞猪,我需要直接和他们沟通,推广韩国旅游。但是现在我对旅行相关的词汇还不太熟悉,还需要继续学习,才能更好的让中国客人了解韩国旅游。Now, there are some challenges at work. I need to use Chinese frequently as my clients are all Chinese travel agencies like Ctrip and Fliggy. I need to communicate directly with them to promote Korean tourism. But I'm still not very familiar with travel-related vocabulary and need to continue learning to better inform Chinese customers about Korean tourism.
MI:是的,而且不同地方的人用的词汇也是不一样的。比如上海人和北方人的用词不一样,有时候普通话说得也不一样。Yes, and people from different places use different words. For example, the terms used by people in Shanghai and those in the north are different, and sometimes even Mandarin is spoken differently.
李素英:是的,比如儿化音,就很难。That's right. It's difficult, especially with the retroflex final -r.
MI:那你有没有什么克服的办法呢?Do you have any ways to overcome these challenges?
李素英:中国同事有时候会帮助我,他们也都会说韩语。开会以后大家也会一起研究。Sometimes, my Chinese colleagues help me. They also speak Korean. After meetings, we discuss and study together.
MI:如果你觉得会议有些内容,如果方便的话,也可以录下来,然后给到老师,让老师上课的时候跟你们再分析一下。If you feel that some content in meetings is challenging, you can also record it and give it to the teacher. The teacher can analyze it with you during class.
李素英:是的是的,非常谢谢。Yes, thank you very much.
中韩文化差异:Cultural Differences Between China and Korea
MI:其实我们学中文的时候,不仅是学习语言,还会学到一些中国的文化。你觉得中国的文化和韩国的文化有什么不一样的地方?Actually, when we learn Chinese, we not only learn the language but also learn some Chinese culture. What differences do you find between Chinese and Korean cultures?
李素英:是的,两个国家有些不一样的地方。比如骑自行车就不一样。上海是人行道和自行车道分开的,在韩国是汽车道和自行车道分开,自行车道和人行道是在一起的。而且在上海有很多电动车,韩国很少见,一般只有外卖用电动车。而且韩国电动车没有红绿灯,因为是和人行道在一起的。左拐右拐的红绿灯也是和人行道一样。还有我发现打扫的文化也不一样。比如在咖啡馆或快餐店,吃完东西以后,在中国是有工作人员来清理的,而在韩国是客人自己清理。Yes, there are some differences between the two countries. For example, cycling is different. In Shanghai, sidewalks and bike lanes are separated, while in Korea, bike lanes are combined with sidewalks. Also, there are many electric bikes in Shanghai, which are rarely seen in Korea. They are mainly used for delivery. Also, electric bikes in Korea don't have traffic lights because they are combined with sidewalks. The traffic lights for turning left and right are the same as those for pedestrians. I also found differences in cleaning culture. For example, in cafes or fast food restaurants, after finishing eating, in China, the staff clean up, while in Korea, customers clean up themselves.
MI:如果说你现在希望更多的中国人去韩国旅游,那么你会告诉他们为什么要去韩国旅游呢?韩国有什么吸引他们的地方呢?If you want more Chinese people to travel to Korea, what would you tell them? What attracts them to Korea?
李素英:韩国的穿搭很发达,韩国女孩子都打扮得很漂亮,包括很多男生也是,并不是一定要化妆,但是打扮得很潮流。那么中国的年轻人可以去韩国买东西,也可以去做医美。男生也可以学习一下穿搭方面的东西,大家都可以变得更漂亮一点。另外很多中国的年轻人喜欢韩国的明星,韩国的电影和电视剧也很火。其实不仅在亚洲,在全世界都有影响力。中国的游客可以去一些有名的电影或电视剧拍摄的地方打卡拍照。Korea's fashion is very developed, Korean girls dress very beautifully, including many boys, not necessarily with makeup, but they dress very trendy. So young people in China can go to Korea to shop, or they can do cosmetic surgery. Boys can also learn about dressing, and everyone can become a bit more beautiful. Also, many young Chinese people like Korean stars, and Korean movies and TV dramas are popular. In fact, it's not just in Asia, but also globally. Chinese tourists can go to some famous places where movies or TV dramas are filmed and take photos.
MI:的确如此,我们有这样的说法“颜值即正义”。韩国女孩子都很精致,打扮得很漂亮。那么在你的日常生活当中,觉得中文给你带来哪些便利或者挑战?Indeed, we have such a saying, "Beauty is justice." Korean girls are very delicate and dress beautifully. So, in your daily life, what conveniences or challenges has learning Chinese brought you?
李素英:一般我去别的国家旅行的话,很多商店里面的人会说中文,特别是一些旅游城市,这样我们就可以聊的更多。我的英文说得一般,所以可以用中文聊天。而且旅游城市的服务人员,会中文的比较多,会韩语的不多,所以会说中文就很方便。When I travel to other countries, many people in the shops speak Chinese, especially in some tourist cities, so we can chat more. My English is average, so I can communicate in Chinese. And there are more service staff who speak Chinese in tourist cities, but not many who speak Korean, so it's convenient to speak Chinese.
中文对个人成长的影响:Impact of Chinese on Personal Growth
MI:你觉得学习中文对你自己个人的成长有没有什么积极的影响?Do you think learning Chinese has had any positive impact on your personal growth?
李素英:当然有,我看中文的书。关于人生的书比韩国多,所以看这些书可以帮助我对人生有更多的思考和理解。而且中国历史悠久,经验也多,所以一边学习中文,一边了解历史经验教训。比如说,我很喜欢一句话:生活需要仪式感。我平时的工作比较忙,一个简单的仪式感就能给自己一点缓解,让自己放松下来。Of course, I read Chinese books. There are more books about life than in Korea, so reading these books helps me think more and understand life better. And China has a long history and rich experience, so while learning Chinese, I also learn about history, experience, and lessons. For example, I really like a sentence: Life needs a sense of ceremony. My work is usually busy, but a simple sense of ceremony can give me some relief and relax.
建议和目标:Recommendations and Objectives
MI:是的,仪式感的确是一个节奏的转变,对待生活需要不同的节奏。回到中文学习上,你对刚刚开始学习中文的,或者计划要提高中文水平的人,有什么建议吗?Yes, a sense of ceremony is indeed a change in rhythm, and different rhythms are needed for life. Back to Chinese learning, do you have any advice for those who have just started learning Chinese or plan to improve their Chinese proficiency?
李素英:我的建议是多交流,跟中国朋友多交往,多说话。要勇敢一点,不要担心说错,中国朋友都很友善,会帮助你。My advice is to communicate more, interact more with Chinese friends, and speak more. Be brave and don't worry about making mistakes. Chinese friends are very friendly and will help you.
One last question, do you have any plans or goals for Chinese learning in the future?
李素英:我们一般会有三次外派的机会,我现在是第一次来中国。希望等到第二次或者第三次来中国的时候,可以更加流利得用中文做演讲。We usually have three opportunities for overseas assignments. I'm currently in China for the first time. I hope that when I come to China for the second or third time, I can speak Chinese fluently and give speeches.
MI:好的好的。我们也会把这个目标分享给我们的老师。希望你早日能达到这个目标。谢谢。Okay, we will also share this goal with our teachers. Hope you achieve this goal soon. Thank you.
李素英:谢谢你们对我中文学习的帮助!Thank you for your help in my Chinese learning!
Through learning Chinese, Lee Soyoeng has not only improved her language skills but also deepened her understanding of Chinese culture, laying a solid foundation for confidently handling business communication in the future. May her efforts and achievements serve as inspiration for more people to embark on the journey of learning Chinese, promoting communication and understanding between different cultures.
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