The International Labor Day is a national holiday which falls on 1st May. It is the holiday of the working people of all over the world. On that day, celebration activities are held all over the world. The International Labor Day is celebrated in more than 80 countries.

On 1st May 1886, a strike and demonstration of large scale happened in America, which involved 35 thousand persons. Then it was repressed by the police and two demonstrators were shot. The situation got worse: more people died because of the confrontation between the government and the people.
To remember the great labor movement, the protests of workers broke out all over the world. This was the predecessor of the International Labor Day. In July 1889, the Second International leaded by Fried rich Engels held a congress in Paris which decided to set 1st May as the International Labor Day.

The celebration of the International Labor Day in China can be traced back to 1918. On 1st May 1920, the first commemorative activity was held. All industrial cities held huge demonstrations and gatherings. On the eve of the International Labor Day in 1921, a song named The May Day Memorial Song was created and it was spread all over China.
From 1998 to 2007, people had a seven-day holiday, which was called the golden week because the tourist industry and the retail industry were boosted during the holiday. Since 2007, the holiday has changed from 7 days to 3 days, and it is called small golden week.

Since 1949, the model workers have been elected on the International Labor Day every year. They are advanced worker and outstanding representatives of the working class. Developing and expanding the model workers and the spirit of them can promote the development of the society. The spirit of the model workers is an important embodiment of Chinese great national spirit.